Drama, Romance, Mature
Motoka Murakami

20 daily free chapters available! Jin Minakata is a successful neurosurgeon. One night, a strange patient arrived with a fetus-shaped tumor in his brain. After Jin removes the tumor, strange things begin to happen and an accident magically propels him back in time to the Edo Period of Japan. Armed with modern medical knowledge Jin's challenges begin as he works to save various sick and injured people without the benefits of electricity and antiseptic solutions.

20 daily free chapters available! Jin Minakata is a successful neurosurgeon. One night, a strange patient arrived with a fetus-shaped tumor in his brain. After Jin removes the tumor, strange things begin to happen and an accident magically propels him back in time to the Edo Period of Japan. Armed with modern medical knowledge Jin's challenges begin as he works to save various sick and injured people without the benefits of electricity and antiseptic solutions.

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