Interview with My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999! Author
My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 continues to captivate fans and readers with its romantic storytelling. Mangamo, the only place to read the series, had the chance to talk to the author Mashiro-sensei through email messages.
What inspired you to write the romantic comedy series My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999?
I already decided to create a romance manga and was thinking about what I could add. Because I am a gamer and e-sports was getting popular in Japan, I decided to add online games .
The series features many gaming related concepts like FPS, the shock from Yamada’s competitive gaming teammates when he told them had Akane sleeping in his room, and the tendency to ramble about a game’s pros and cons. How did you come up with these ideas?
The slice of life scenes of FPS game members in the series were inspired by what I heard or saw in my real life with game members. Episodes in the series came from my real experience since I was into FPS before.
In the most recent manga chapters, we see that Yamada and Akane have matured since the beginning, but new obstacles will come their way. Could you share your creative process behind the next part of the story?
I would like to draw backgrounds of characters I have not drawn yet. Also, I would like to draw a new side of Yamada.
Could you please share some final comments to readers from outside of Japan?
Hello fans! I am happy not only Japanese people but also many people enjoy this series all over the world. I appreciate your continuous support!
Read My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 on Mangamo!